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Boiler tubes

Heat exchanger tubes

Welded pipes

L, LL, KLM finned tubes (fin tubes)

high frequency welded (serrated) finned tubes (fin tubes)

(serrated) extruded finned tubes

hot dipped galvanized oval (elliptical) finned tubes, rectangular fin tubes

condenser fin flat tubes

H / double H finned tubes (fin tubes)

Studded Pipes

Laser welded finned tubes (fin tubes)

G embedded finned tubes (fin tubes)

inner finned tubes (fin tubes)

longitudinal finned tubes (fin tubes)

seamless finned tubes with two longitudinal opposite fins

casting alloy tubes

Tube finning machine

Aluminum plates, strips,foils

Aluminum welding wire rod

Aluminum tubes, profile

Economizer for Boiler

air-cooled heat exchanger (air cooler)


standard & specification

Copper alloy ASTM B111, C12200, C70600, C68700, etc.

Copper tubes material: C12200, C11000,C44300 HSn70-1, C68700 HAi77-2, C70600 BF210-1-1, C71500 BFe30-1-1,

Copper tubes standards: ASTM B68, ASTM B88, ASTM B111-99, EN 1057, ASTM B75, GB/T8890-1998







Electrolytic Tough Pitch CW004A C101 C11000 2.0061 C1100P Cu- ETP
Deoxydized Low Phosphorous CW023A - C12000 2.0076 C1201P Cu ­DLP
Phosphorous Deoxydized Non Arsenical CW024A C106 C12200 2.0090 C1220P Cu ­ DHP
Phosphorous Deoxydized Arsenical       - C107 C14200     -      - Cu ­ DOA
Oxygen Free CW008A C103 C10200 2.0040 C1020P Cu ­ OF


Aluminum Brass CW702R CZ110 C68700 2.0460     - Cu Zn 20 Al 2
60/40 Brass (Yellow Metal) CW509L CZ109 C28000 2.0360      - Cu Zn 40
Leaded 60/40 Brass (Muntz) CW610N CZ123 C36500 2.0372 C3710P Cu Zn 39 Pb 0.5
European Muntz Metal CW715R    -      - 2.0525    - Cu Zn 38 Sn Al
Naval Brass# CW719R CZ112 C46400 2.0530 C4621P Cu Zn 38 Sn1
Arsenical Naval Brass CW717R    - C46500    -    - Cu Zn 38 Sn 1 As
Copper Nickels …
90/10 Copper Nickel # CW352H CN102 C70600 2.0872 C7060P Cu Ni 10 Fe 1 Mn
70/30 Copper Nickel CW354H CN107 C71500 2.0882 C7150P Cu Ni 30 Mn 1 Fe


Aluminum Bronze “D” CW303G CA106 C61400 2.0932 C6161P Cu Al 8 Fe 3
Nickel Aluminum Bronze “E” CW307G CA105 C63000 2.0966 C6301P Cu Al 10 Ni 5 Fe 4
Phosphor Bronze “E” (Low Tin)      -    - C50500 2.1010    - Cu Sn 2
Phosphor Bronze 5% “A”# CW451K PB102 C51000    -    - Cu Sn 5

Finned copper tubes (Fin copper tubes), features:
1.High-efficiency in heat exchanger
2.Unique technology
Poduct Name: Seamless Finned Copper Tube

1) Materials: Copper, Alloy copper, Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Steel etc.
2) Performances: high-efficiency, energy-saving, endurable in use,eco-friendly and materials-saving.
3) Processes: Unique processes, no welding processes.
4) The Fin height reaches 8~10mm.
5) The Finned surface area is about 10~15 times of that of surface area of innernal tube.
6) Providing series of fin tubes for heat exchanger such as finned tube/pipe, finned coil tube, dual finned
coil tube.
7) Widely used in petroleum industry, petrochemical industry, metallurgical industry,power industry, food,
maritime, home appliances such as refrigerator and air-ondition, automobile industry etc.
8) Large volume, excellent quality and the most competitive prices

COPPER ALLOY NO. C71500 (Copper Nickel, 30%)
Composition-percent Copper 69.5; Lead 0.05 Max;Iron 0.5~1.0;Zinc 1.0 Max;Nickel 29.0~33.0;Manganese 1.0 Max;
ASTM Specifications: Plate Products B122, B171

COPPER ALLOY NO. C70600 (Copper Nickel, 90%)
Composition-percentCopper (including Silver): 88.6;Lead 0.05 Max;Iron 1.4~1.8;Zinc 1.0 Max;Nickel 9.0~11.0;Manganese 1.0 Max;
ASTM Specifications: Plate Products B122, B171

COPPER ALLOY NO. C63000 (Copper Nickel, 30%)
Composition-percent Copper (including Silver): 82;Iron 2.0~4.0;Tin 0.20 Min;Zinc 0.30 Min;aluminum 9.0~11.0;Manganese 1.5 Min;Silicon 0.25 Min;Nickel (including Cobalt) 4.0~5.5;
ASTM Specifications: Plate Products B171

COPPER ALLOY NO. C61400 (aluminum Bronze, 7%)
COPPER ALLOY NO. C46400 (Naval Brass, Uninhibited)
COPPER ALLOY NO. C46500 (Naval Brass, Arsenical)
COPPER ALLOY NO. C44300 (Admiralty, Arsenical)
COPPER ALLOY NO. C36500 (Leaded Muntz Metal, Uninhibited)
COPPER ALLOY NO. C28000 (Muntz Metal, 60 %)

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